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Sub Team

What is the Sub Team: The Sub Team was created to allow teams an opportunity to avoid forfeits by getting more players when their team is short for a game. Teams can request up to 3 subs for a total of no more than 13 players participating in the game. It is free to join and can give players an opportunity to pick up extra games.

How Teams Use it: TO BE UPDATED FALL 2024

How Players Join the Sub Team: TO BE UPDATED FALL 2024 

Sub Team Usage Notes:

  • Teams can request up to 3 subs for a total of no more than 13 players (regular team members plus subs) participating in the game. These 13 (or less) players are the only ones who may play on the field for the entire game. No additional players may join the game, nor may team members who show up unexpectedly be substituted in for any of the original 13 players.
  • Subs are placed in the order that they are received.
  • Subs should be given the option of playing as much as they feel comfortable playing and in the position that they choose.
  • If needed, the team will provide the sub with a jersey to wear for the game.
  • Players may only sub for one game per day.
  • Please only reply with positive responses or questions to sub requests, keep email traffic to a minimum - remember EVERYONE on the sub pool gets these emails.
  • Team reps should notify the Sub Team coordinator if any sub fails to show up with no prior notification. That sub will then be warned and if it happens again, she will be removed from the sub group(s) for the rest of the season.
  • Please make every effort to request subs only when in need. Rescinding a sub request, while not prohibited in the rules, causes confusion and is highly discouraged. Also, be aware that if the sub does not get your "rescinding" email and shows up at the game, the sub must play and any player beyond the 13th cannot play.
  • There are some special circumstances that come up for teams. 1) If a team needs more than 3 subs to reach 11 players, the Team Rep requests more than 3 subs, teams receiving more than 3 subs to avoid a forfeit can only have 11 players total at any point during the game. 2) If a team is not getting any responses, the Team Rep should notify the Sub Team coordinator and then post in a different sub (age) groups (the Sub Team coordinator can also do this posting for the team), in extreme circumstances the Sub Team coordinator can relax the rule for subs to play more than one game in a day. 3) If a team has a last-minute request for subs they can post a request and ask that players respond and then come to field without waiting for confirmation.

Questions: Contact the Sub Pool Commissioner (

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